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Stories of Hope Blog

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" I still remember calling 911 and praying at my bedside, I still remember the ride to the hospital in the ambulance as my breathing began to get worse, still remember when the ER Doctor and nurses staff came rushing in after getting my blood labs results, I remember the sounds of the chopper blades from the helicopter as they rushed me to a hospital in San Antonio, Texas{ my local hospital wasn’t capable of giving me the treatment needed } I still remember when we landed and the ER doctor said, “You better grab the crash cart”!!  I was in complete Kidney Failure! Stage 5 ESRD! "

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 Hope with Jonathan! started on the night of July 8th 2019, based upon my near-death experience with battling kidney disease, I knew my life was spared and that I was here for a reason. I wanted to do something, I needed to do more, but How? And What? Little did I know it was laid out before me all I had to do was remember what I had experienced and boom! Light Bulb! There was many more out there just like me and needed a platform and way to share their personal journey battling kidney diseasedialysis and the need of a living donor for transplant! Hope with Jonathan was Born! 

On July 8th of 2019, I went into emergency kidney failure, my potassium had reached a score of 9! I was just moments form death and because of my kidney failure my body could not expel the toxins such as potassium and so my body retained these poisons and I was in a very critical state. I was suffering with Hyperkalemia, a very dangerous condition that can affect your heart and in which it did on this very day. 

After my near-death experience with kidney failure, I had been through a life altering traumatic event and that included a new treatment introduced to me as Dialysis, as I explained above it was not by choice but a must to survive. I basically woke up in the ICU and had unknowingly been on dialysis for 3 days and had 30lbs of fluid & toxins removed, this new treatment saved me but I had no idea what it entailed and I was in for a ride that I’ll not soon forget if ever. 

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